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Bring the Back to the Future Musical to the U.S.!

Bring the Back to the Future Musical to the U.S.!

Back to the Future the Musical, © Sean Ebsworth Barnes

Back to the Future the Musical, © Sean Ebsworth Barnes

Warning: Light BTTF spoilers (the movies) below. However, if you have not seen this movie by now, shame on you - you have had your entire life to correct this mistake.

Me with the Back to the Future DeLorean at Universal Studios Florida, circa 2008 - in love!

Me with the Back to the Future DeLorean at Universal Studios Florida, circa 2008 - in love!

Yes, we all know that I love Back to the Future. I was still likely in diapers (do two-year olds wear diapers?) when I first saw it. It was one of my first memories, as when I was a bit older I remember watching BTTF II and thinking at the end, as Marty runs around the corner after the DeLorean leaves with his past self in it, that I always thought the DeLorean had somehow gone off on its own leaving Marty behind. (My other first memory is also at two, seeing my uncle getting a pie to the face at one of those Disney interactive shows. Two was apparently a good year for me.)

Then me actually getting to SIT in a DeLorean, 2015 - seeing BTTF with National Symphony Orchestra at Wolf Trap.

Then me actually getting to SIT in a DeLorean, 2015 - seeing BTTF with National Symphony Orchestra at Wolf Trap.

Anyway, before I even knew I was a theatre and film kid, I was a theatre and film kid because of BTTF — the music, the action, the acting, the suspenseful thrill, and the cute male lead all gripped me to the point of watching it over, and over, and over again, much to the chagrin of my parents, until I could recite every line. As an adult, I can still probably quote each movie, have 4 DeLorean models, and have the entire series in each iteration that it has been released (including the only VHSs that I still own). When BTTF II was released in theaters on the day they go to the ‘future,’ I was there with all the other hardcore fans lamenting how flying cars and hoverboards still weren’t a thing. I still get gifts that are BTTF related because everyone always knows it will be a slam dunk — like the framed film stills my boyfriend Alex got for me for Christmas. I also may be listening to the soundtrack as I write this.

Just SOME of my BTTF collection.

Just SOME of my BTTF collection.

Needless to say, my first reaction when hearing about a Back to the Future musical was something along the lines of “FLAMIGIMISHIGNIN?!?!” as both my BTTF side and my musical theatre side raucously geeked out together in pure joy. But then, both sides looked at each other and re-evaluated their budding relationship. BTTF and musical theatre — were they a good match?

Film stills…because we definitely know it works as a movie!!

Film stills…because we definitely know it works as a movie!!

For one, how do you successfully reimagine a classic? We have all seen some successes: Mean Girls, Lion King, and of course Hairspray. But more often than not, we remember all the failures: Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark, Pretty Woman, and Carrie. So even from a film standpoint, you risk the integrity of the original by trying to recapture that original thrilling piece of work for new audiences — who, honestly, should probably just watch the original anyway. THEN you take into account musical theatre, and all of the elements that need to come together to create a show of this caliber - the special effects, the believable and energetic acting, the adaptability of the script to the stage, etc. - and the possibility of a flop seems all the more possible. Plus, Doc Brown and Marty McFly… singing? You have to admit, it sounds a little weird.

Ok, sure…so Marty does sing and play guitar. So there’s that. Credit: Universal

Ok, sure…so Marty does sing and play guitar. So there’s that. Credit: Universal

Still, I was holding onto hope, and you can bet that if I had the means to travel to Manchester even at the risk of being disappointed, I would have done it, for the love and support of everything BTTF. But, seeing as I couldn’t find a black market buyer for my kidney in time, it wasn’t in the cards. However, I anxiously awaited the fan reaction — and it is finally here.

It appears as though my hopes were not for naught - the fan reaction has been outstanding. Some have even literally voiced my fear that they were worried it wouldn’t translate to stage, and that they were floored. Apparently, the action sequence at the end is enough to carry it even if the rest of it sucked (which I haven’t seen anyone say so far). That must be the lightning tower sequence, which, if they pulled off, makes me incredibly happy. Plus, if Christopher Lloyd is on board - well, so am I.

So, here is my call to action: PLEASE BRING THIS SHOW TO THE U.S.! Obviously, wait until the world has figured out this Coronavirus thing. But outside of that, I beg of you, please grant access to this stage version for those of us over here who grew up dreaming of time travel adventures, DeLoreans, and the freedom to burst into song at random life moments - and who are now dreaming of an innovative amalgamation of it all.

10/21/15 - BTTF Future, experienced in the present, and now my past!

10/21/15 - BTTF Future, experienced in the present, and now my past!

Stay Geeky! - Vanessa

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