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Syrupy Geeky Content

Podcast: The Best Bottle Episodes

Podcast: The Best Bottle Episodes

Since we are living our very own Bottle Episode we wanted to explore the various episodes involving bottle episodes, which are episodes of TV that take place in one location. Much like all of homes that we just can't seem to get around nowadays. We discuss episodes from tv shows such as: Brooklyn 99, Friends, Bojack Horseman, and more. Let's make something fun of Quarantine Waffles! 

Listen on: Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Spotify | Stitcher

Unmasking the Narrative Failures of Helmets in The Force Awakens

Unmasking the Narrative Failures of Helmets in The Force Awakens

Podcast: Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension

Podcast: Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension