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Syrupy Geeky Content

Podcast:  Mandalorian Season 2 Questions Answered

Podcast: Mandalorian Season 2 Questions Answered

Casual Mandalorian fan Bri just watched all of season two and the finale made them sob. Like, a lot. They also have questions. Questions like is Ahsoka technically a Jedi and is Bo-Katan next season’s big bad? Listen as Star Wars fanatics Candace and Arezou give their answers and reveal fascinating insights about their perceived direction for the show, and which Grand Admiral they secretly find attractive.

Listen on: Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Spotify | Stitcher

Podcast: Belle’s Tales of Friendship

Podcast: Belle’s Tales of Friendship

Podcast: The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2

Podcast: The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2