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Syrupy Geeky Content

Podcast: Jora and Reath: Masters and Padawans of The High Republic

Podcast: Jora and Reath: Masters and Padawans of The High Republic

What makes a good Master/Padawan relationship? Who does things the typical way and who is a little offbeat? The High Republic is a golden age for Jedi and the perfect lens through which we can examine this question.

This week, Arezou is joined by her friend Hannah to examine the greatest Master/Padawan relationship we never saw: Jora Malli and Reath Silas. They discuss the pitfalls of the no-attachment rule and brace themselves for upcoming pain in Wave 3 of The High Republic

Find Arezou's High Republic reading list here.

Listen: Apple Podcast | Spotify | Google Podcast | Pocket Casts | Amazon Music

Amphibia Spoiler Review: Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie

Amphibia Spoiler Review: Hollywood Hop Pop/If You Give a Frog a Cookie

Comic Book Review: Monster of Temple Peak #4

Comic Book Review: Monster of Temple Peak #4