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Amphibia Spoiler Review: Commander Anne/Sprivy

Amphibia Spoiler Review: Commander Anne/Sprivy

Anne and the Plantars are back in Amphibia but the world has drastically changed. They get up to speed in two new episodes, “Commander Anne” and “Sprivy.”


I really enjoyed that these episodes show all the threads of the first two seasons finally coming together. Little episodes like “Children of the Spore” and “Family Shrub” are coming into play. The long game by Matt Braly and his team is incredible. They have truly built so much subtle lore and world-building into every single entry. There really isn’t a filler episode of this show. They all further the plot, the world, or the characters. It’s so well done.

I’m also always happy to return to Wartwood. This town is home, and it’s the very heart of the series. Season one was so important to make the viewer fall in love with these misfits who are now the leaders of the rebellion.

These episodes mirrored “Hop ‘Til You Drop” and “Turning Point” well. Like those two, this week is a pair of episodes reestablishing the status quo. The Plantars and Anne have to adjust to their life in Amphibia after being away on Earth. They’re also coming in with limited knowledge and are thrown into the fray, just like Anne tossed the Plantars into the mall to give them a crash course on the human world. And like “Turning Point,” we’re checking back in with Sasha and seeing where she stands at the moment with Anne and the world of Amphibia. These two episodes were a nice way to get the audience back up to speed.

“Commander Anne” was definitely a needed episode for both Anne and Sasha. If “Turning Point” was the beginning of Sasha’s change, we’re still seeing her put in the work. She’s wary of leadership because that’s exactly how she hurt Anne in the past. What’s ironic is she doesn’t follow the advice she gives to Sprig and Ivy in the very next episode. Instead of doing what’s needed, Sasha’s hesitation to lead almost ruins the mission. This is what makes Sasha so fascinating to watch. She built the trust of Wartwood on her relationship with Anne. Now that Anne’s back, she should hand over the job.

Anne is not the right leader or the leader they need; it’s absolutely Sasha who has far more experience. This is where we can really see Sasha’s change. She’s scared to command Anne because this is exactly how she lost her friend. Sasha hit multiple crossroads starting from the season one finale to “True Colors” and finally “Turning Point.” Time and again, Sasha chose the wrong path and it hurt not only herself but her friends as well. Now working on her change, Sasha is actively aware of her manipulations and how toxic of a person she was.

Changing behavior is how to work towards forgiveness. It’s a choice made over and over again. She has put in the work which is why Anne can see she’s the better leader. Even with Anne momentarily thinking Sasha tried to sabotage her, the truth comes out that it’s Sasha’s way to show she cares for Anne. The fact that Sasha chooses to share the leadership role seals her growth since taking those first steps in “Turning Point.”

“Commander Anne” was also another look at Anne struggling in the hero role. The pressure of leading the charge against Andrias is growing as she’s the only one who has control of her calamity powers. In “Escape to Amphibia,” her parents and allies rallied behind her. But that doesn’t mean she won’t backslide. It’s always important to remember that Anne is a kid. And upon their return to Amphibia, she didn’t know how bad the state of the world is. Having Sasha at her side is a good thing. While Anne is the heart of the series and has the trust of Wartwood, Sasha can help Anne share the burden of heroship by bringing her experience to the table.

While “Sprivy” wasn’t the most hard-hitting episode, it was a heck of a lot of fun! I love Sprig and Ivy so much.

It’s been really sweet watching these two go from friends to being in a relationship. Those first moments Sprig experienced his crush and the slow burn build-up have been some really good writing in the show. Sprig and Ivy balance each other well. He’s respectful of her and she challenges him. “Sprivy” was a good episode to help them navigate the world of dating in a very extreme way. Everything at that age feels so big and overwhelming. It really does feel like the world will end at times if you can’t be with your partner for five minutes. These two obviously missed each other.

If Amphibia was a drama, this episode would probably be delving into the darker side of all of this. When you think about it, their overreactions to being separated makes sense. Sprig was sent to a completely different world, was almost dissected a few times, interrogated by the government, and had to hide his identity. Ivy witnessed her home getting destroyed and has been fighting in a war. The stakes have been life-threatening for both of them. I discussed it a bit in “Fixing Frobo” that Ivy is a very important part of Sprig’s support system. He needs these relationships outside of Anne with people his age like Ivy and Maddie. While “Sprivy” was played for comedy, it’s very sweet that these two turned to each other and found a little bit of peace during a very trying time.

It also helps them to grow. They’re getting out of that obsessed-with-each-other phase. Realizing that their actions could have consequences, they need to focus on the bigger picture. If they’re going to have a future together, Sprig and Ivy must focus on the now.

I thought Sasha handled them well too. She rewarded them for what they did well but rightfully called out their mistakes. It again proves why she’s an effective leader mixing support with constructive criticism.

Some random thoughts to round out Commander Anne and Sprivy:

-LOGGLE! I know everyone has already screamed about Loggle but this is my chance to do it. LOOK AT LOGGLE! HE’S BUFF NOW! LOGGLE, MY DUDE! YOU LOOK AWESOME!

-I will always love Chuck. Chuck just might be one of my favorite side characters in this show.

-I definitely got emotional seeing Bessie and knowing she’s okay! Now we just need to make sure Micro-Angelo is good too.

- It was cool to see the Plantar’s secret basement come back into play! I had speculated in my essential Amphbia episodes article that they had to do something with a set piece that was so juicy and drenched in possible lore. I was right, and it’s fantastic to see it here!

-Fern had her full debut this week and she is a fun character! Her one-liners were some of the best this season.

-The pinata party scene made me cackle like a loon.

-Sprivy’s couple’s dance routines! Look how cute they are!


“Commander Anne” and “Sprivy” were a fantastic way to get the audience up to speed alongside Anne and the Plantars. From here on out, it’s plowing straight towards the series finale! Without spoilers here, I peeked ahead to next week’s summaries. Those episodes look mighty juicy, and I can’t wait for them.

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