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Owl House Spoiler Recap: Clouds on the Horizon

Owl House Spoiler Recap: Clouds on the Horizon

Here we are at the beginning of the end of The Owl House. The penultimate episode of season two “Clouds on the Horizon” didn’t let up the relentless pace as we continue to barrel towards both the finale and the end of the show with a shortened season three. This episode continued to move all the pieces into their final places as the ultimate showdown with Emperor Belos and the Collector looms.


The final moments of the Owl House family together on the balcony were beautiful and heartbreaking. It felt like a scene where it might be the last time they would all see each other. While I hope nothing horrible happens, it was framed like a goodbye for Luz, Eda, and King. The stakes are getting higher by the second. The end of the world is coming. That moment of peace will either be remembered as a calm or the final time our little family was together.

I adore Eda’s journey over the show. Despite her curse always coded as struggles with mental health, she has overcome so much. She started the series as a self-centered person. Sure, she had King but it’s not like he was holding her responsible for her actions. It wasn’t until Luz came along that really made Eda look at her choices. She’s finally ready to fight for the world as a whole, not just for her own gain.

The line where Eda flat out says she doesn’t want to do this plan is what sealed it for me. Eda doesn’t want her magic stripped away for a coven. It’s what she’s always been fighting against. She wanted freedom from everything. But with the end of the world coming, getting a coven sigil is the only way to get true freedom. So even if she can only have bard magic for the rest of her life, that is perfectly fine for her. Because there is no future with Belos still in power.

It's clear Eda’s learned to trust Luz too. In both “Edge of the World” and “O Titan, Where Art Thou,” Eda tried to force Luz into choices that the kid didn’t want. It came from a place of love, but Eda stripped away Luz’s ability to decide for herself. Now in “Clouds on the Horizon,” Eda gives Luz a choice. While our wonderful Owl Lady suggests that Luz should go rescue Amity, she doesn’t force Luz to go. It’s up to Luz whether or not she wants to stay and help the adults or leave to rescue Amity. While Eda was pretty sure Luz would choose Amity (because they wouldn’t have sent Willow, Gus, and Hunter to meet her), I think if Luz decided to stay, then Eda would have respected that choice.

Then, there’s the promise that Luz makes Raine swear to. She wants them to protect Eda no matter what. And honestly, that makes me a bit scared for Raine!

All the little unsure looks Raine had this week make me nervous. It’s clear they’re having doubts about putting Eda in danger. I hope that doesn’t mean they overcompensate by doing something stupid. I don’t want to lose Raine! I know how important of a character they are to so many people. It would hurt if something horrible happened to them.

Though, I can’t help but think Raine might have changed up the plan. We don’t actually see Eda get her coven sigil. The shot pans to Raine’s face before Steve can put the mark on her. I have a sneaking suspicion that Raine stopped it.

Especially because when they land at the ceremony, Eda is not wearing her cloaking stone. She’s clearly in sight of Coven Scouts. Also, it’s unsure if it’s on purpose or if it’s an animation error, but Eda does not have a coven brand on her wrist.

Also, Eda doesn’t speak when she sees the scouts locking up wild witches. She just growls. Steve specifically told Eda when she is under the illusion, she can’t talk because her voice wouldn’t change. So why growl at all? Because “Eda” couldn’t talk in that scene because they were cloaked under the illusion. I think Raine is posing as Eda while Eda is being Raine. It’s not crazy to think that Raine, someone who is an expert at changing sound waves, couldn’t make their voice sound like Eda in a growl. I think that Raine is going to cause a distraction while the C.A.T.S. plan continues with the real Eda disrupting the draining spell.

Gosh I love the Blights for completely different reasons!

Alador’s quick turnaround has been a surprise in season two. Introduced at the beginning of the season, it seems like he’s the aloof, mad scientist type. It turns out that he has been just as manipulated as the kids, if not worse off. Everything he does is for the safety of his children. If he doesn’t put in the work, Odalia will take it out on the kids. Maybe even take his children away from him. It’s not an excuse for being absent in his children’s lives but it is an explanation. Amity standing up to her father in “Reaching Out” was honestly the best thing that could have happened to Alador.

Maybe I’m a bit biased in this story because it reminds me a lot of my own dad. I get both Amity and Alador’s perspective in this case. My dad worked hard and was away a lot because he wanted the best for us. It was out of a place of love. But I also just wanted my dad, someone to listen to me, know me, and spend time with me. This is such a relatable story probably to a lot of people.

It makes it all the more satisfying when Alador stands up to Odalia and smashes their life’s work. He knows what’s important is Amity, Edric, and Emira. Those kids don’t care if they’re normal people or royalty in the new world. They just want parents who love them and are there for them. Alador can’t fix his past mistakes. He still should respect the boundaries Amity made for herself in “Reaching Out.” But he can control a future where he is with his kids to help protect and fight for them.

While it might seem like a quick turnaround, it’s probably a side effect of the shortened third season. They needed to get Alador up to speed as Amity’s ally as they head into the final battle. I think it’s well-executed though considering the circumstances. I think the crew has done their best with him. I mentioned back in my “Escaping Expulsion” recap that I didn’t think the Blights were true villains and that Alador in particular would be the character to watch out for. He didn’t let me down. I really love his story!

I was half wrong because Odalia is absolutely a villain and I love to hate her! Media that gives us characters that we ‘love to hate’ are the best. We get those people we loathe every single time they’re on screen. We can’t wait for their comeuppance because it is the best kind of catharsis. When Odalia gets what’s coming for her, it’s going to be so good to watch. I love a villain that I love to hate!

Where Alador opened up more to his children and wanted to do better, Odalia showed us exactly who she was. She’s a classist jerk who only cares about status. She speaks of her own children and marriage as if these people are inanimate objects that can be traded and sold. When she called Alador her “business partner,” I shuddered at how cold that statement was.

And the reveal that she knows about Belos’ plan changed everything. She’s so wrapped up in herself that she doesn’t care about the rest of the world. People will die and she wants to rule their corpses. It, of course, won’t work out for her as we know that Belos is a known liar and witch hunter. He won’t honor any promise to a witch. But it allows for Odalia to show her true selfish colors and how much of a monster she really is.

Though, I do want to praise one thing about Odalia. The care and effort the writers put into one scene to protect their viewers is admirable. When Amity stands up for Luz and tells her mom not to disrespect her girlfriend, Odalia says that they’ll find Amity another girlfriend.

I was stunned. The writers did not take Odalia down a homophobic path in any way. That would be the easy route and a harmful overused trope. They let her be a villain without subjecting the viewers to hateful rhetoric. That’s amazing. Dana Terrace and her crew really made sure that nothing homophobic would be in this show. So many queer viewers probably have to deal with homophobic jerks in their real lives. But The Owl House crew went a step further and made sure that none of that nonsense would be in their show.

That is the mark of creators who truly cares about their fans.

I am almost positive a backstabbing will happen with Belos and the Collector. Those two are falling apart fast, and something has to give next week. I do think it’s interesting that Belos lashed out at the Collector when they mentioned he could barely hold a human form. That’s a fascinating take since Phillip is so very proud of not being a witch. He’s become the evil that he wanted to eradicate from the world but does not want to admit it. I have to wonder if he does get back to Earth, how will he react if other humans see him as the monster he is. That might end up being a fate worse than death for someone like him.


Kikimora specifically states that Belos has eyes everywhere and knows Eda is coming for him. So the big question I have coming out of “Clouds on the Horizon” is who is betraying the C.A.T.S.? I don’t want to believe that it’s Steve, but he’s a very probable candidate! The writers have done such a good job making him this wholesome guy and being one of Lilith’s friends. Though, that could have all been a ruse to get close to the Owl House crew. PLEASE NOT STEVE!

Maybe the new connection that the Collector has with King could be informing Belos, but that development has been such a short time in the show. Eberwolf could be a possible choice. He doesn’t speak so we don’t know his true intentions. He’s just sort of always with Darius, who does all the talking.

My more farfetched suspicion is what if Raine is actually partially under Terra’s mind control. They were told to bring Eda and Luz to the palace without realizing it and all of their little unsure looks are them doubting themself and not knowing why. But that’s very out there, and it would completely undercut the great writing for Raine this season. We’ll just have to wait and see who the traitor is!

Finally, I have to talk about the Lumity kiss. What a watershed moment for Disney. Not that the Big Mouse should pat themselves on the back. This moment was from the hard-fought efforts of Dana Terrace, the crew, cast, and every show that came before it to get The Owl House to that historic moment. It’s a celebration of years and years of fighting against bigoted corporations and pearl-clutching parents.

The kiss was so sweet and awkward in such an endearing way. Tom Barkel’s animation is so incredibly gorgeous and smooth. It was everything I could have wished for when I was a young baby gay. I grew up with poor LGBTQIA+ representation. It made me hate myself and feel like there was something wrong with me. I was angry that I had to be censored and hidden away. It makes me so thankful that the next generation of queer kids gets to see themselves. It’s life-changing to help them feel validated and loved as people. It might seem silly to those who don’t get it, but representation like this is incredibly important. It can very much save someone’s life.

Some random thoughts to round out Clouds on the Horizon:

-I love Kikimora’s hat! Someone make it so I can wear it!

-I love watching Lilith get so excited about doing crimes!

-Luz’s palisman! Will it hatch in the finale? Will they save it for season three? I can’t wait to see what that baby chooses to be!

-Gosh I ship Willow and Hunter! They protected each other throughout the fight! I love them!

-Gus and Hunter have a secret handshake! I’m so glad Hunter finally has friends!

-“Money always shouts louder” is one of the truest things ever spoken in The Owl House

-I absolutely thought Alador was turned into a rat. I wonder if that’s his palisman.

-So about Hunter and Luz hiding stuff from their friends. What’s sad is that Willow and Gus would totally empathize with Luz and Hunter if they told them the truth. Both had been used by others before, so it’s a pain they’re familiar with and could help the duo work through it.

And here we are at the finale! Just one episode left for season two of The Owl House. The finale is going to be crazy, ya’ll! NO ONE DIE! PLEASE! Wreck our emotions, Dana! I can’t wait! 

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