Five Ways Star Wars Resistance Can Be Used in Canon

Being a fan of Star Wars Resistance can be tough sometimes. It’s often the forgotten show when it comes to celebrating Star Wars on tv. It was stuck in a strange middle ground in the dying throes of cable before the release of Disney+. It was being written prior to The Last Jedi and season two was finished before The Rise of Skywalker started filming. It was the little show that never got a chance.

There are plenty of opportunities to revisit these characters and storylines. So, I thought it would be fun to muse about five places in Star Wars canon that Resistance or ideas from the series could be revisited again.


The High Republic

Despite being set over 200 years prior to The Phantom Menace, there are ideas from Star Wars Resistance that could be brought in.

Several new species were introduced in Star Wars Resistance. My personal favorite was the Gozzo. Flix was a standout character in the series. He was historic too with him and his partner Orka being the first on-screen queer couple of the franchise. I love his design making him a visually awesome character to watch. The Gozzo home world of Drahgor III is a refinery world in the Outer Rim. At the end of Phase I, the Outer Rim was trapped under the Nihil occupation. Also, the Nihil probably need fuel. Flix’s world could be a hotbed of activity to see the Gozzo people fight for their home.

I would love to see a Gozzo character brought into the High Republic era. I personally want a Gozzo Jedi. We don’t know if their people are Force adapt, but it would be an awesome development if they were.


Television Shows

The eras that a lot of the current or upcoming shows are set in have timelines where there are Resistance characters. One of my biggest wants in The Mandalorian is to see Kaz’s father, Hamato Xiono, as a young senator. We also know nothing about Kaz’s mother who could be easily introduced as well. The Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett haven’t delved too much into the political side of the sequel era. If Din and Grogu or Boba and Fennec ever run into people from Hosnian Prime, the Xiono family could be amazing characters to bring in.

I’ll get more into this with comics and books in a moment, but Andor would be another chance to touch on Star Wars Resistance characters as well. We know that Yeager and Venisa both fought in the Rebellion. They could be candidates for Cassian to team up with at some point. Or the Xiono family might know Mon Mothma.

If we see Star Wars Resistance characters show up on television, I do think animation is the best chance to see them. The crew working on The Bad Batch is the same crew that worked on Resistance. Head writer of The Bad Batch, Jennifer Corbett, got her start on Resistance and never worked on Clone Wars or Rebels. The Resistance characters are ones she knows very well.

It’s hard to imagine anyone from Resistance showing up in The Bad Batch only because it’s so much earlier in the timeline. The Dozas and Yeager are the best options, but they would be quite young. That said, we have no idea how Aunt Z’s species ages. She has ties with the underworld and is friends with Maz Kanata. That could be an opening if maybe Aunt Z is also friends with Cid. I’d love to see Aunt Z in The Bad Batch style.


Comics and Books

I want more comic appearances than I do book appearances because we have seen Star Wars Resistance get some time in novels like The Rise of Skywalker novelization as well as Resistance Reborn. But the characters and stories have been relatively non-existent in comics outside of some issues of the Star Wars Adventures line with Kaz and BB-8.

I’d love to see these characters in the main lines of Star Wars comics. For example, we know that Captain Doza and Griff were both part of the Empire. After seeing the atrocities of the baddies, they left with help from Venisa. What if they were in a few issues of the Darth Vader series? What if Vader does something horrific that makes them want to leave? As I mentioned, Yeager and Venisa are part of the Rebellion. I’d love to see them in a few issues with Luke, Leia, Han, Lando, and Chewbacca. If Hera and Zeb can be in the mainline comics, then let other animated characters show up as well.

Perhaps Orka and Flix run into Doctor Aphra. The Aphra series is full of queer characters, so they would fit right in with the cast. Or again, Aunt Z is ripe for use as someone who can roll with scum and villainy side of the galaxy.

The rest of the Aces could be potential young hotshot pilots as well. Hype specifically mentions remembering what it was like when the Empire ruled. He could be a child in one of the comics who is inspired to fly after seeing someone like Luke or Wedge in an X-wing.

There are so many possibilities to use the Star Wars Resistance characters in the current canon, whether it be in shows, comics, or books.


New Ancillary Materials

While there have been comic and book appearances by Star Wars Resistance characters, the show got nowhere near the publishing push that Clone Wars or Star Wars Rebels got. Now, to be fair, The Bad Batch hasn’t gotten the same treatment either. There aren’t Bad Batch tie-in novels or comics rolling out.

Honestly for The Bad Batch as well, I’d love to see more comics and books for Star Wars Resistance. A New Dawn is still one of my favorite Star Wars novels to this day and it was one of the first to come out in the Disney era. Kanan: The Last Padawan is such a great read. Both gave us Rae Sloane, one of the biggest book characters around.

Resistance books could delve more into the backgrounds of characters like Tierny and Pyre, who are both great villains but needed more time to be some of the greats of Star Wars. I’d love a romance novel of how Imanuel Doza and Venisa met. The Aces could have a miniseries comic line, each issue fleshing out their backstory. I think Torra would have an adorable book like Sabine’s journal from Rebels following the events of the show and giving her thoughts. It would have a ton of pictures of Buggles in it.

I will also always ask for a YouTube webseries about Orka and Flix. I don’t even want it to be canon! I’d want it to be like Tag and Bink adventures where it’s just them popping in and out of Star Wars situations like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead! Let it be big! Let it have gay musical numbers! I want to see them running an Antiques Roadshow like series of their life before they settled on the Colossus! Give me the big gay Orka and Flix show!


Season Three

There is no way of knowing if Star Wars Resistance was always supposed to be two seasons or if it got cut short. I can speculate all day about it, and I do have my own tinfoil hat theories about what happened. That said, we do know that it was in production and finished before the sequel trilogy was completed. Now that The Rise of Skywalker has been out for some time, I’d love to see a third season of the show.

There is so much they could do. Tam would be an important character if there was a third season. She worked in the First Order so her knowledge of how they worked could be vital to the Resistance. I’d love to see her team up with Finn, as they both left the organization. My dream arc is to see Tam go back undercover in the First Order and meet Hux as he’s just starting to become a spy. She could help him be an informant.

Poe and Kaz have so much history together, and it would be great to see Poe continue to train the young pilot. I need to see Rey’s interaction with the kids from Tehar as it’s strongly hinted that Eila is Force-sensitive. Rose would fit right in with the crew of the Colossus, and I’d love to see her and Synara on a mission together.

It would give more time for the Aces to develop, especially Bo and Freya who were woefully underused. The Resistance would need veteran leaders like Yeager and the Dozas. The Colossus itself is a fuel station that is an important resource. Also, the people of the Colossus had one of the first major victories against the First Order, so they know how to fight as a group.

There is about a year between The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. That year about the lives of Team Colossus could be an interesting and important time to really flesh out. As we know there were Star Wars Resistance ships created for TROS that were cut from the movie, season three could end in Kaz’s point of view coming out of hyperspace at the Battle of Exegol and helping with the victory that finally stopped the First Order for good.


I love Star Wars Resistance. I always wanted more from this little series. From the lovable cast of colorful characters to the timely story about what happens when fascism invades during peacetime, Resistance continues to be an important piece of Star Wars that shouldn’t be forgotten.