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Syrupy Geeky Content

Podcast: Fanfic From an Academic Perspective  (with archaelologog)

Podcast: Fanfic From an Academic Perspective (with archaelologog)


This week Ren is joined by Earis to talk about fan fiction from an academic perspective, slash fanfic, and Reylo's mythic connections.

Authors/Fics/Artists mentioned: A Path to Broken Stars, Under Different Stars, Rec list for academia on fic

Mind the Tags: Incest shipping (at around 15:30-17:30),


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Follow Bookmarked and Busy on Instagram and Twitter too at @bookmarkedandbusypod on IG and @bandb_pod on Twitter! You can also support the show on Ko-Fi!

Want to be a guest? Fill out this form and Ren will be in touch!

Listen: Apple Podcast | Spotify | Google Podcast | Amazon Music

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