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How to Start Reading The High Republic

How to Start Reading The High Republic

So, you want to start reading The High Republic. The good news is I have handy colour-coded checklists for Phase 1 and Phase 2 right here for you to get started. 

The trickier news - because wanting to read could never be bad - is that I acknowledge that The High Republic is a lot. One of the reasons I told myself I would keep up on everything right when it started - and honestly the reason I made the checklists at all - was because I knew it would one day get overwhelming! 

But the biggest question I get from everyone who I talk to about this series - after “where do I start?” - is “how much of this do I have to read?” The answer is really that it’s entirely up to you. I’m a completionist by nature, so my first instinct is to say, of course, read all of it. I also recognize that this is not feasible for everyone. So below, I’ve compiled little “clusters” of what I think is complementary reading within Phase 1 and Phase 2 - and once Phase 3 ends I’ll add that in as well. Because those checklists are all well and good, but they don’t explain much, do they?

First of all, what is the difference between a “wave” and a “phase”?

The way I think of it is this: think of each Phase like a trilogy, and each Wave like a movie within that trilogy (yes I know there are only two Waves in Phase 2, work with me here). There are three Phases total. Phase 1 has three Waves, Phase 2 has two Waves, and Phase 3 has a planned three Waves. As of this writing, Wave 2 of Phase 3 is currently underway. 

As for the chronology, it’s helpful to bring that trilogy metaphor back. Phase 1 starts us off, Phase 2 is a prequel to Phase 1 and Phase 3 is the hornier sequel to Phase 1. 

Now that words like “phase” and “wave” have lost meaning for us all, lets move on to the reading list. 

So, where do I start?

Light of the Jedi. Whatever your reading goals are here, I recommend starting with Light of the Jedi as it provides the best context for everything going on. 

I Want To Read Everything

Great, so do I. If this sounds like you, then I recommend taking each Phase in Waves. Start with Light of the Jedi and then read in as chronological an order as you can, within reason. I’m not suggesting you read one issue out of a trade paperback comic across three different comics, then a whole other book, then come back to that first trade paperback. 

Unless that sounds like fun. You do you. 

Comics Are Not My Thing

If you’re just sticking to the books, you have a few different options here:

  1. Just the adult books

  2. Adult books and YA books

  3. All the books

I’m an advocate of “all the books”, but I think you saw that coming. There’s pros and cons to all of these approaches though. 

The pro of Option 1 is that you’ll get to Phase 3 quicker, and stick with a smaller roster of characters if you find too many names overwhelming. The con is that you’re missing a lot of story that complements the adult books so nicely. 

The pro of Option 2 is it paints a fuller picture, and as the High Republic progresses, characters start making the jump from one age bracket of books to another. This ties in directly to the con, which is that some pretty major characters make their first appearance in the Middle Grade books. The name Ram Jomaram may not mean much to you yet, but if you’re here because you loved The Acolyte, Vernestra makes her first appearance in A Test of Courage, the first MG book. 

The pro of Option 3 is, obviously getting the most complete picture the books can paint for you. The con is mostly the time commitment, though I have heard from some friends that they struggle with the pace of Middle Grade books as adults, which is completely fair and worth considering. I’ll add a second pro onto this and say that for all the story and emotion they pack in those MG books, they are relatively quick reads. 

Also worth noting: each Phase has one Audio Drama that falls in the middle-ish of the story. I count these as “adult books”, both because it picks up threads and characters from the adult books, and also honestly because the script books are shelved with the adult Star Wars books at the bookstore.

The books are also the most accessible option, as they are also available in audiobook, and the audio dramas are also available in script form for those who struggle with audiobooks.

The Secret YA Book I Didn’t Include on the Checklist

OK so I actually have this one on my Phase 3 checklist because I had to pick somewhere to put it, but for explanation’s sake:

There is one YA novel called Tales of Light and Life that is nine short stories in one book, one by each of the High Republic authors. The Barnes & Noble special edition includes a tenth story by author Alyssa Wong, who joined the team partway through Phase 2.

If you choose to read this one, my suggestion is to read if after you finish Phase 1 and 2, since timeline-wise the Phase 2 stories contain spoilers, and some of the others bridge the Phase 1 and 3 gap. It doesn’t strictly exist in any Phase. It’s the World Between Worlds of High Republic books if you will.

I Want to Try Some of The Comics, Actually

The way I classify the comics in my head - and on the checklist - are in two separate categories. 

There are the main runs, which is The High Republic from Marvel and The High Republic Adventures from IDW/Dark Horse. 

Then there are the miniseries. Phase One has Monster of Temple Peak from IDW (reprinted by Dark Horse) and Trail of Shadows and Eye of the Storm from Marvel. 

Phase 2 brings us The Blade from Marvel, The Nameless Terror from Dark Horse, and the one-shot comic Quest of the Jedi, also from Dark Horse. 

If you’re curious about High Republic comics, but don’t want to fully commit to all of them, then the miniseries are a good place to start as the adventures are very self-contained. The only exception to this, I would say, is Eye of the Storm, which definitely presupposes advance knowledge of Marchion Ro. Who is Marchion Ro, you ask? Well I wouldn’t dare ruin it for you, but if you like a broody, unstable man with a mask and daddy issues…

The Marvel runs in both Phases bleed in and out of the main narrative, as does the Phase 1 High Republic Adventures run. Still possible to read on their own, but might also be stressful if you, like me, hate the sense that you’re missing something while you read. 

There are also the Edge of Balance manga, which work well as a series on their own, and quietly set up major arcs in the background while still working as a standalone series.

I’d Like to Try a Combo of Books and Comics to Start

If you’d like to start off with a mix of comics and books, I’d suggest one of two paths:

Combine the main Marvel run with the adult novels in Phase 1 and 2.

Combine the High Republic Adventures run with the YA and MG books in Phase 1. 

In Phase 2, the books and the High Republic Adventures comics are such distinct adventures, they don’t cross over in the same way they do in Phase 1.

What Are These “Insider Stories” and Picture Books?

You may have seen the checklists also include Insider Stories, which are interconnected short stories that appeared in Star Wars Insider magazine, and which have been collected into volumes, one per Phase. Besides the connection to the Phase as a whole, and some references to the larger events of the Phase, these work as complete standalones. 

The picture books are, well, picture books that they made for Phase 1, retelling the events of the Adult novels for the pre-Middle Grade set from the POV of Burryaga, the fan-favourite Wookiee padawan. I just kept it on the checklist because I am a completionist. They are super cute though (and come with stickers!)

A Final Note

The nice thing about these stories being one big interconnected era while not strictly being a “series” is you really can just start with the books, or the comics, and if you’re really feeling it, or you’re curious about a side character with a bigger arc elsewhere, you can expand out to whatever you haven’t read yet!

I hope that helped and demystified some of the wide world that is The High Republic for you. Are you ready to give it a try? Let us know on social media!

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