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Syrupy Geeky Content

New Podcast: Bookmarked and Busy

New Podcast: Bookmarked and Busy

The Geeky Waffle Network is proud to present our newest podcast Bookmarked and Busy: A Fanfic Appreciation Podcast. For each episode, your host Ren will be joined by a fanfiction author or reader to talk about favorite tropes, ships, and the ins and outs of fan fiction. Nothing is off the table, and this podcast is a judgment-free zone. It’s also an NSFW zone, so listener discretion is advised!

Bookmarked and Busy premieres Friday, April 29, 2022.

Owl House Spoiler Recap: Them's the Breaks, Kid

Owl House Spoiler Recap: Them's the Breaks, Kid

Amphibia Spoiler Review: The Root of Evil/The Core and The King

Amphibia Spoiler Review: The Root of Evil/The Core and The King